BOOKSLIVE Interview:
"The wolf was the immediate threat at first and it’s the obvious threat. To him it’s the most dangerous threat. But as the story unfolds, you realise that the wolf is actually on his side. The most dangerous thing for him would be not to listen to her, and not to work with her. You start to see that the threat is something very different.
She starts off as a hallucination, as he is coming off drugs, and he is getting clean. That does happen, when you are becoming sober. Technically, in very simple terms, she is a hallucination. I’m not going to give away the twist, but if there is any uncomfortable truth that we have to face in our lives, especially as we grow as people, it often presents itself as a fear. As something terrifying and scary, and we do want to run away from it. We don’t want to listen to it at all. Most of us want to run away from hard realisations or hard truths about ourselves."
Read the whole interview on BooksLive.