5 Stars from YOU Magazine

"This One Time is a damning criticism of our modern culture of insta-fame. If Stephen King wrote Misery in 2015 instead of 1987, it might have unfolded something like Van Tonder's gripping tale. Her debut novel is a breakneck, nailbiter of a psychological thriller with a main character you'll start out hating but end up feeling sorry for. Gripping stuff." - Jared Orlin, YOU Magazine


BOOKSLIVE Interview Part II: Alex van Tonder Chats about the Storytellers that Inspire Her, the Song Stuck in Her Head, Emojis and Why Vimeo Sucks


Books LIVE’s Erin Devenish recently met with Alex van Tonder to speak about her debut novel This One Time, which deals with the way stories and social media impact reality. 

"I found out about more about the author’s own social media engagement: what makes her happy, what makes her rant on Twitter, and which emoji best suits her personality. During the conversation, I also discovered a little bit more about how stories and media interact with her work as both author and fashion copywriter."

Read the full interview here


Reader's Warehouse Interview


"I took inspiration from the real world of blogging and Instagram Fame and reality TV and the shadier world of revenge-porn, but he is no one person. He’s a complicated character in that he’s a blogger who projects a bad boy lifestyle of womanizing and parties, and he leads a life many men know isn’t necessarily in the best interest of feminism or equal rights but it still holds attraction. So he has this massive, worldwide following and therefore a lot of power, and it allows him to get away with doing whatever he pleases. He has control. Or so he thinks. Jacob ends up grappling under the weight of this persona, because even though it’s not real it’s taken over his life and is starting to get in the way of his success and his relationships, so he tries to escape it by fleeing New York to for Alaska. Of course, it is not that easy for him to escape the monster he has created."

Read the full interview here